"May we unlearn the lie that rest is a reward for good work" really highlight how our society views rest, particularly in the American culture - as if we need to earn it. Thank you for the wonderful reflection!

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Yes. It's so interesting, while I was overseas this summer, I truly loved the way they honor and include rest.

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When I think about God, the master creator, even He rested after creation was done. In following His example, we must rest – in fact, He commands us to do just that. In doing so, it gives us time to grow, replenish, and reflect. The world wants us so occupied that we can never rest. But in rest, we can truly appreciate our work.

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I remember last year at some point... for some important (at the time) reason, my wife was really stressing out.

And, in my infinite wisdom I say "Oh, you should just stop worrying"

She looks straight at me without missing a beat goes "OK. Done. Next?"

I never told her not worry since 😂

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