Thank you for this post Josefina. As a dad of two toddlers including one on the autism spectrum, I find myself burnt out frequently and feeling very drained. I really appreciate the list you’ve put together here, and it reminds me how much I struggle with relinquishing control and asking for help (or seeking community). I try to do everything myself and, when I can’t, I feel like I failed. It’s obviously unsustainable. But, anyway, thank you for the opportunity to reflect on how I can combat the fatigue.

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Jacob thank you for your honesty and sharing your truth. As parents we can be so hard on ourselves especially when we are in the thick of it. Your words not only show me that you’re a present parent but that you care. I hope that this week you take the time to reach out to those who care for you for help. And I hope that even if by practicing surrendering one small thing at a time you find ease and comfort along the way. Cheering you on.

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Thanks for the kind and thoughtful response Josefina! Surrendering one small thing at a time is a great framework for approaching this. Thank you 😊

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That quote by Anne ('cause, you know, we're on a first name basis, lol) always makes me chuckle.

Rest in this season looks like extended times of journaling with stickers and prayer in the mornings, moments of stillness throughout the day, and long walks in my neighborhood.

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Okay first name basis. lol.

Yes it's so true too. I love the journaling with stickers. Prayer in the morning has been essential for me. I love the moments of stillness, and a nice long walk. It's something I've been needing this season.

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Thank you, tired mom of a 2 and 1 year old here and today was HARD, exactly what I needed to read. 🤗

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Morgane, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Yesterday was so hard and I had to come back to this. I'm glad it met you where you are.

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“Me Time” has been added to my summertime playlist. 🧘🏼‍♀️ thank you.

What does rest look like to you?

Welp I’ve been forced into it last 6 weeks due to knee surgery.

How do you approach burnout?

Past me, binge drinking and still training for a marathon.

Present day me, deleted IG from my phone last week. 😬

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Thank you for this reminder <3

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